Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Under the Wheels Episode 44: DUNE


Matt works with Gabe to see if Dune is just fine or if it’s a Shiny and Chrome. Topics include adaptations of novels in novel forms; the history and failings of Dune adaptations; relating Kojima to Dune; a case for Dave Bautista as the best wrestler-turned-actor; how Dune takes science fiction and evolves it to Fantasy; why book-to-movie adaptations are not a binary good or bad thing but more of a non-lateral scale; the problem with four-hour movies, strange “director’s cut” and “extended cut” profit releases, and part one-part two pacing issues; the surprising box-office history of Blade Runner and The Thing; some good John Carpenter talk; how actors who ask for certain regards or are critical of work they are in are seen as difficult by Hollywood (and Matt’s) standards somewhat without merit or bad marketing; if Gabe and Matt made Dune; the return of good diffused fog effects; and Martin Scorsese’s take on how to make a proper superhero in New York.

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