Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Under the Wheels Reborn Episode 4: Blade Runner: The Final Analysis of the Final Cut

Gabe and Matt talk about one of the greatest movies ever made and rereleased in four different versions. They also talk about the creator of the movie and some other guy who did a movie that takes place in the 80's version of the future and finish by theorizing how the world of Blade Runner would look now (hint: a lot of fruit and mice).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Under The Wheels Reborn Episode 3: The Lighthouse King Has A Parasite Starring Robert Pattinson

Gabe and Matt are back. In Episode 3 the duo discuss a trifecta of For Your Consideration-er's: The Lighthouse, The King, and [The] Parasite, and various other smaller movies. Some will get shiny and chrome, some will be added to top ten lists, and some of them have memorable performances from Under The Wheels fan favorite Robert Pattinson. Listen in to see what happens when you go... Under the Wheels!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Under The Wheels Reborn Episode 2: Joker V Ad Astra

Matt and Gabe throw Todd Phillip's JOKER under the wheels and attempt to tackle the difficult job of sifting through the controversy to find the ultimate truth of the piece. Later, Matt and Gabe take a rocket ship to Neptune to throw Ad Astra through the good old rocketship to see if they can find out the reason no one is seeing this fantastic piece of media.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Under the Wheels Reborn Episode 1

From the ashes comes the Under the Wheels Podcast... Reborn! Minus one dude and a whole lot of production value, of course. Today's episode covers Martin Scorsese's controversial comments on Marvel Movies, among other things.